
Past activities

The star of Bethlehem

In this month's Noites no Observatório, one will embark on an historical voyage that will help understand what the astronomical phenomenon "Star of Bethlehem" might have been.
Free entrance

The Moon… here so close

Let’s learn about the past of this faithful companion of our planet Earth, that also as a place in our future and in our ambition to land on other worlds.
Free entrance

Moon 21st Century – The future of a 50 year-old footprint

Session that gathers eight researchers from various scientific fields in a conversation about space exploration and what the future holds after stepping on the Moon.

An Adventure at the Speed of Light

Quarterly outreach sessions, taking place in Lisbon and Porto, aimed at young people willing to join scientists in discovering the universe.
Free entrance

Star Party – Autumn Moonshine

Under the charm of the Moon and Astronomy, many eyes will look up to the sky in this Autumn night.
Free entrance

The Universe in ten images

Let's explore ten iconic astronomical images, specially selected for their great beauty, and go deep into their meaning and the surprises they hide.
Free entrance