
Past activities

IA at the European Researchers’ Night 2021

From Earth to Space, IA's activities are framed within both European Researcher's Night initiatives in 2021 – science for climate, and environment and sustainability. Among our offer of online and physical activities at Planetário do Porto, Lisbon and Coimbra, there's action and knowledge in IA's programme.
Free entrance

LARGHISSIMO: Interactive sound installation about space-time

A collective exhibition of sound installations about the concept of “time” includes an immersive interactive experience inspired on space-time and gravitational waves, produced by three artists and curated by the platform Eufonia, in collaboration with the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA).

Inhabiting other Planets

How will it be possible, in Mars, to do such simple and essential things like breathe or drink a glass of water? Learn the challenges that will need to be overcome before a human colony can succeed in another planet.

Unexpected worlds in our Galaxy

If you would like to have a really eccentric holiday home, there are very weird planets in our Galaxy for you to choose from. The hard task rests with the astronomers, as Sérgio Sousa, of IA, will explain.

The Phantom Universe

Part of the Universe we cannot see, but we feel it. More surprisingly, that is almost everything that exists, but we don't know what it is. Let's try to touch this phantom side of the Universe. Session with Tiago Barreiro, of IA and Universidade Lusófona.