Past activities

Around the Universe in 40 questions
In this session of The Universe Online, lets discover some wonders and odd facts, in a journey around the Universe in 40 questions.

The bright side of the Universe
In the first session of The Universe Online, we will make a journey to the bright side of the Universe, crossing the history of galaxies.

Discovering Other Worlds
In this session of Noites no Observatório, we will cover some of the most successful methods used by astronomers to detect and characterise planets outside our Solar System.
Free entrance

Women and Girls in Astronomy Day 2020 – Webinar with female researchers
Celebrations of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020 with a webinar

Breaking myths in Astronomy
How can science, as a tool, help us understand the world around us, the Universe and ourselves?
Free entrance

The star of Bethlehem
In this month's Noites no Observatório, one will embark on an historical voyage that will help understand what the astronomical phenomenon "Star of Bethlehem" might have been.
Free entrance

The Moon… here so close
Let’s learn about the past of this faithful companion of our planet Earth, that also as a place in our future and in our ambition to land on other worlds.
Free entrance

Moon 21st Century – The future of a 50 year-old footprint
Session that gathers eight researchers from various scientific fields in a conversation about space exploration and what the future holds after stepping on the Moon.