Past activities

Searching for New Worlds
In the next session of "The Universe Online", you will have the opportunity to talk to IA researchers that are on the frontline of the search for a new "Earth".

The IA in the 2020 European Researchers Night
The IA will get everyone moving in the ERN 2020. Solar System, planets, galaxies, gravitational waves, will be subjects to learn and discover.

IA, PNL and Planetário do Porto celebrate the 2020 National Day of Scientific Culture
On the 24th of November, the IA celebrates the National Day of Scientific Culture with several activities, in partnership with the National Reading Plan.

Black Holes: the most secret places in the Universe
There might be black holes at the centre of most galaxies and they are also at the centre of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics. What do we already know about these dark and secret places? Let’s review the historical journey that takes us more and more closer to their secrets.

Astronomy in Questions and Answers – Special Event ENAA 2020
What if a panel of researchers answered the questions about the Universe you have always wanted to ask but never knew who to ask them? That is what will happen on the 11th of September, in the public event of the 30th Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica (ENAA 2020).

Searching for another Earth
Learn how astronomers detect planets orbiting other stars, and how they can know, despite the distance, if any of them is similar to Earth, with Pedro Figueira, of ESO and IA (in Portuguese).

20 years of Portugal at ESO
Participate in an online session to celebrate twenty years of the expansion of Portuguese Astronomy with ESO. From the discoveries enabled by ESO telescopes to the adventure of building astronomical instruments at the leading-edge, there is plenty to celebrate.

Reveal the Universe… with your questions
Discover the Universe asking questions to a panel of five IA researchers.