How many Earths are there in the Milky Way?

Conceção artística do sistema planetário em torno da estrela anã vermelha Gliese 581.

Conceção artística do sistema planetário em torno da estrela anã vermelha Gliese 581.
Créditos: ESO

In partnership with National Geographic Portugal

In a clear night sky, the human eye can see some 3000 stars, all of them in our galactic neighbourhood. What we can’t see is, perhaps, a similar number of planets, outshined by the light of their host star. Is it among them an Earth 2.0?

Full article (in Portuguese)

By Vardan Adibekyan, astronomer (FCT Investigator) at Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço. Adibekyan is currently involved in several projects of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and of the European Space Agency (ESA) that aim at studying the chemical relation between planets, stars and the Galaxy.