Science with Impact: The mysteries of Venus
Discover some of the mysteries of Venus, namely the recent discovery of phosphine, possible indicator of life in its atmosphere, and take a leap forward to the study of exoplanets, and, who knows, maybe the constrution of a permanent base on the Moon, in the company of Pedro Machado.
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Giant radio galaxies may be more common than previously thought
What is a giant radio galaxy, and what these impressive structures may reveal about the galaxies’ past? José Afonso in an interview to Rádio Observador.
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Spiral galaxies. “All we knew was wrong”
Iris Breda explains how a new study about the composition of the disk and bulge of spiral galaxies can question part of what we know about their formation and evolution.
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Researchers find a giant “rip” on Venus
Pedro Machado explains the importance of the discovery of a giant disruption in the atmosphere of Venus and the reason why it was only discovered now.
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An optical system designed for the next X rays telescope
IA will lead the development of a precision optical system for ESA’s future space telescope dedicated to the study of extreme events in the Universe.
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