A star in the winter sky : Herbig-Haro 34 object
Herbig-Haro 34 object (HH 34) is located in the Orion nebula, a broad star formation region that is located to the south of the belt of this famous hunter in the Greek mythology.
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A star in the winter sky : T Tauri
T Tauri is a variable star in the constellation of Taurus that is located roughly at a distance of 470 light-years.
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A star in the winter sky : Rigel
Rigel is the brightest star in the constellation Orion. It is ranked as the seventh brightest star in the night sky.
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A star in the winter sky : Mintaka
Mintaka is the westernmost of the three stars of Orion’s belt, that is the marker of the northern night sky during the winter.
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A star in the winter sky : Mekbuda
The star Mekbuda, in the constellation of Gemini, is a pulsating star. Its pulsating nature allows researchers to obtain more information from it than from a non-variable star.
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A star in the winter sky : Procyon A
Procyon A (in the constellation of Canis Minor) was one of the first solar-type variable stars ever discovered.
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