Past activities

Stellar systems… are like chocolate boxes
In this month's Noites no Observatório one will embark on a two act trip through stellar systems, exploring our Solar System and the others.
Free entrance

Dark Sky Party Alqueva 2019
Enjoy a full weekend under the starry skies of Alqueva with the activities offered by IA within the programme of Dark Sky Party Alqueva 2019.
Free entrance

Moon landing
With an evening filled with activities, the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço and the Museu da Presidência da República (MPR) celebrate together the arrival of the first humans on the Moon.
Free entrance

100 years of space-time: The Origin of Time in Cosmology: back to Einstein’s message
In the celebrations of the total solar eclipse of 1919, take part in astronomical observations, guided visits to a historical observatory and a public talk dedicated to Einstein's contribution to science.
Free entrance

100 years of space-time: The Dark Side of the Eclipse
In the celebrations of the total solar eclipse of 1919, take part in astronomical observations, guided visits to a historical observatory and a public talk about the dark side of the Universe.
Free entrance

The sky seen through telescopes at the Lisbon Book Fair
The telescopes of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) will be waiting for you next to Gradiva Publicações stands at the Lisbon Book Fair.
Free entrance

“Next Generation Astronomy” and Fado
Do not miss in Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian, the talk "Next Generation Astronomy" followed by a fado concert, an event integrated in the social program of the IV International Conference on Applications in Optics and Photonics.
Free entrance

Party at the museum
IA will be in Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência with workshops about constellations for all ages.
Free entrance