Discover the Universe through 31 works of art

Arte Inspirada no Universo

Take a tour through works of art with references to the Universe, in painting, literature, music and cinema.

The bilingual website “Do the stars gaze back – Art inspired by the Universe” connects these works to landmark events in the history of Astronomy and Space exploration. They are 31 artistic works that express the fascination for the Universe, and an equal number of dates, which introduce to the history of its discovery.

All the dates are in December, highlighting the last month of 2019, the year the 100th anniversary of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) was celebrated. Throughout December 2019, the website “Do the stars gaze back – Art inspired by the Universe” became a growing archive, another initiative with which the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) joined the centennial celebration of IAU.

The website is permanently accessible, in English and Portuguese, at

This project stems from a collaboration between IA and the MA in Communication Design and New Media of the Fine Arts Faculty of ULisboa. It was created, designed and implemented by Sara Patinho Rodrigues with contents gathered and revised by IA.