Experience an amazing night out at one of the largest planetariums in Europe
Enjoy an evening learning about the current research in astronomy and engage in fun workshops. The programme also includes lectures, a planetarium show and observations of the night sky with telescopes. All activities will be held in English.
The event is free to attend but registration in advance is required. Your night out under the stars is organised by the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, in partnership with Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian – Centro Ciência Viva.
Programme in brief
- 20:30 Doors open and registration for workshops
- 21:00 Workshop round 1
- 21:30 Multiverse! Keynote lecture by Andrew Liddle
- 22:00-24.00 Observations of the night sky with telescopes
- 23:00 Workshop round 2
- 24:00 End of programme
See workshop details below.
Keynote lecture by Andrew Liddle
Modern theories of cosmology appear to predict that our region of space is a minuscule fragment of a huge ‘multiverse’, where over vast distances physical properties, and perhaps the nature of physical laws themselves, can change.
This talk will explain what has drawn cosmologists to this viewpoint and indicate that there is some observational evidence supporting it. The talk will also cover some rather unnerving implications of these ideas, including the possibility that the multiverse contains many, maybe even infinitely many, perfect copies of ourselves.
Andrew Liddle is currently a Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço at the Universidade de Lisboa. He is a world-renowned cosmologist who has worked at the Universities of Edinburgh, Sussex, and Imperial College London during a career which has led to almost 300 published scientific articles and 5 books.
While much of his work is theoretical in nature, he has also been involved in large observational projects including the European Space Agency’s Planck Satellite and currently the Dark Energy Survey. He has enjoyed long links with Portuguese science and is thrilled to be working in Lisbon this year.
Note: Registration for the workshops is mandatory. You can register for the workshops at the beginning of the event. Please note that there are a limited number of places available for each workshop.
Workshop round 1 (workshops take place simultaneously):
- The history of Astronomy (lecture), by Alberto Negrão
- Build your own 3D Orion, by João Luis
- The warped side of the universe, by Francisco Lobo
Workshop round 2 (workshops take place simultaneously):
- Show in the planetarium dome
- Build your own 3D Orion, by João Luis
- The warped side of the universe, by Francisco Lobo
Photos from the event
Image credits: Beatriz Bento

3.5 hoursFree entrance
- The event is free, but prior registration is compulsory. Get your ticket at Eventbrite. You will have to show the ticket at the entrance, either printed or on your smartphone. You will then receive a ticket with which you can enter the keynote lecture.
- You can collect your ticket to the keynote lecture between 20.30 and 21.25.
- From 21.25 tickets of people who did not yet arrived will be handed out to people on the waiting list in order of arrival. This may mean you cannot enter the event if you arrive after 21.25, even if you hold a registration.
- Because of the great interest in these events and experiences with registered people not showing up, you will afterwards receive up to two emails that ask for confirmation of your attendance. Please confirm with the exact same email address as you used for registration. If confirmation is not received within 48 hours after the request, your registration will be cancelled. For this reason, please check your email inbox regularly so that you can confirm your registration when asked to do so.
- The ticket only secures a place in the keynote lecture, the workshops are subject to registration at the venue, starting at 20.30. There is a limited number of places available for each workshop, tickets are handed out on a first come first serve basis.
- The keynote lecture will start at 21.30. If you arrive after that time you cannot be admitted to the keynote lecture.
- The observations with telescopes are dependent on the wheather conditions.
- There will be no food or drinks available at the planetarium.
- During the event, pictures will be taken and a videorecording will be made. These may afterwards be published online and used for promotion material of the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço.
Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian - Centro Ciência VivaMuseu de Marinha
Praça do Império
How to get there
By car
GPS – 38.698140, -9.208919
By bus
714, 727, 28, 729, 751 e 201
By tram
By boat
Estação fluvial de Belém ( Transtejo)