The Earth under the light of other planets
Here, in the Universe series

Vénus observado com a câmara de ultravioletas da sonda Akatsuki, da agência espacial japonesa JAXA, em 2017

Vénus está em permanência coberto de nuvens, que não são de água mas de ácido sulfúrico. Imagem obtida com a câmara de ultravioletas da sonda Akatsuki, da agência espacial japonesa JAXA, em 2017. Créditos: JAXA/PLANET-C Project Team

The first session of the lectures series Aqui, no Universo (“Here, in the Universe”), organized by Culturgest in partnership with Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA).

With Pedro Machado and Ricardo Trigo, and hosted by Fábio Silva

What extreme weather events might we face on Earth in light of what we observe in the atmosphere of Venus? Comparing our atmosphere and climate to those of other planets from the Solar System, what do we find in common, and what is unique to each of them? Can other atmospheres help us understand the climate change we are facing on Earth?

Separate, yet complementary fields of study such as geophysics and astrophysics can cooperate to assist in making necessary and urgent decisions that counter the climate crisis.

Pedro Machado, researcher at Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), and assistant professor at the University of Lisbon, and Ricardo Trigo, climate specialist at Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), and associate professor also at the University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa), cross-reference the comparative study of different atmospheres in the Solar System with the susceptible and complex variability of Earth climate.

The host will be Fábio Silva, science communicator and the author of the science outreach project Universo Perpendicular.

Find the updated information on Culturgest website.

   A partnership with,



2 hours

Free entrance


Ticket pickup (free) 30 minutes before the session starts (subject to room capacity).


Culturgest, Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Edifício-sede da Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Rua Arco do Cego, 50

How to get there

Subway: Campo Pequeno
Busses: Campo Pequeno, Praça de Londres and Av. Roma