Past activities

An Universe far from trivial
In the July session of Noites no Observatório, with your family or in a team, test what you know about astronomy and discover interesting aspects about what we see in the sky.
Free entrance

Mars so close
Fifteen years have passed since Mars was so close to the Earth, and it will not be this close again until 2035! Come to Quinta do Covelo, in Porto, to observe the red planet, a moon eclipse and Saturn using telescopes
Free entrance

“Roman gods” on the sky of July: planets through the telescope
In this Summer night, enjoy a lunar eclipse and observe Jupiter and Saturn through the telescope from the terrace of Museu de Lisboa - Teatro Romano.
Free entrance

Dark Sky Party Alqueva 2018
Enjoy a full weekend under the starry skies of Alqueva with the activities offered by IA within the programme of Dark Sky Party Alqueva 2018.
Free entrance

Closer to the Stars
Mais perto das Estrelas (Closer to the Stars) is an astronomical observation event in the evenings of every second Thursday each month.
Free entrance

A Universe with ALMA
In this month's Noites no Observatório, we will explore the immense potential of megatelescopes, from the observation of the supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way, to the jet formation in galaxies.
Free entrance

Party at the Museum
Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço will be present at the Party of Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência.
Compare the planets of the Solar System, see constellations in a 3D perspective ou try out a cubic puzzle with images of the Universe.
Free entrance

Festas de Lisboa: Looking at the nightsky with telescopes
Enjoy Festas de Lisboa and take a closer look at the sky with researchers from Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço.
Free entrance