This page collects news, interviews and articles in the international media covering the research, technological development and science communication at the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA).
Many of the items listed refer to topics at the forefront of the scientific and technological production in this field, and often departed from press releases issued by IA’s Science Communication group.
This group provides comments to the media and helps to connect with experts in specific research fields in astrophysics and space sciences.
For yearly lists including the Portuguese media coverage of IA research and activities, please visit the Portuguese page. Read the report of IA’s impact on the Portuguese media.
Black holes are missing in the early universe, and computers are after them
Phys.org, 6th of December
Faltan Agujeros Negros En El Universo Antiguo. Las Computadoras Los Persiguen
Rally Mundial, 8th of December
Conheça o impacto da inteligência artificial na física solar
Bom dia Luxemburgo, 5th of October
How Scientists Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Solar Cycle Prediction
Quanta Magazine, 7th of September
Portugal desempenha um papel importante na exploração do universo invisível
Revista Port, 1st of July
Today, Europe launched a telescope to study the hidden side of the universe
Bob FM, 2nd of July
Europa Lanzó Hoy Un Telescopio Que Estudiará El Otro Lado Del Universo
Rally Mundial, 2nd of July
Desarrollan un modelo climático en 3D para estudiar planetas gemelos a Venus y la Tierra
El Siglo, 14th of June
Venus Atmosphere In 3D Prepares Future Observations Of Rocky Exoplanets
Astrobiology, 15th of June
Ils développent un modèle climatique 3D pour étudier les planètes jumelles Vénus et la Terre
Nouvelles du Monde, 15th of June
L’atmosfera di Venere in 3D prepara le future osservazioni di esopianeti rocciosi
MeteoWeb, 16th of June
Weird worlds: These are the most extreme exoplanets we’ve discovered so far
Interesting Engineering, 5th of May
Système planétaire dans l’étoile la plus proche. Nous avons parlé avec Jorge Lillo-Box
Nouvelles du monde, 29th of May
El Sol es una estrella más del montón, tan “común” como las enanas amarillas
Tek Crispy, 6th of April
Il Sole è una “stella simile al Sole”, e non è poi così scontato
MeteoWeb, 6th of April
The Sun Is Just a ‘Normal Star’: Says New Study From Kepler, Gaia Satellite
Tech Times, 6th of April
Slunce je zřejmě opravdu normální hvězdou svého druhu. Proč je to pro nás důležité?
100+1, 12th of April
Are Black Holes the Source of Dark Energy?
Universe Today, 18th of February
Astronomers discover irregularities in the cores of red giants
Phys.org, 16th of December
Fibrillazioni rivelatrici nel cuore delle giganti rosse
Media INAF, 16th of December
В ядрах умирающих звезд обнаружили аномальные «сбои»
High Tech, 16th of December
Két szuper-Merkúrt találtak egyetlen csillag körül
Csillagaszat, 20th of December
Astronomowie odkrywają nieprawidłowości w jądrach czerwonych olbrzymów
Urania, 22nd of December
9 alien planet discoveries that were out-of-this-world in 2022
Space.com, 28th of December
Los núcleos de las gigantes rojas podrían tener irregularidades
Muy Interessante, 28th of December
W atmosferze planety pozasłonecznej wykryto najcięższy dotąd pierwiastek
Space24, 9th of November
Deux exoplanètes rares découvertes autour de la même étoile
Science&Vie, 14th of November
최신기사 수성과 흡사한 외계행성 2개 동시 발견
Sputnik, 1st of October
2 Incredibly Rare Exoplanets Could Give Us Insights About a Planet Close to Home
Science Alert, 2nd of October
2 exoplanetas incrivelmente raros podem nos dar informações sobre um planeta perto de casa
Universo Racionalista, 2nd of October
Due super-Mercurio e tre super-Terre per una stella
Media INAF, 3rd of October
Kho báu bất ngờ: Tìm thấy 3 siêu Trái Đất và 2 siêu sao Thủy cực hiếm trong vũ trụ
Toquoc, 3rd of October
Missões DART e Hera são precauções da Terra face a possível embate de asteróide
rfi, 4th of October
Hallan un sistema planetario con tres supertierras y dos supermercurios
BigBang 2.0, 6th of October
Astronomers detect heaviest element ever found in exoplanet atmospheres
CNN, 13th of October
Shocked Astronomers Find ‘Fireworks’ Around Two Huge Planets Outside Our Solar System
Forbes, 13th of October
Astrónomos detectaron algo ‘inesperado’ en las atmósferas de dos exoplanetas
El Espectador, 14th of October
Kok Bisa, Elemen Terberat Terdeteksi di Atmosfer Planet Ekstrasurya?
National Geographic Indonesia, 15th of October
Hallan un sistema planetario con tres supertierras y dos supermercurios
Periódico de Ibiza, 27th of September
Two rare super-Mercuries discovered in the same star system
Phys.org, 27th of September
Desde el Observatorio Europeo Austral descubren tres supertierras y dos supermercurios
El Desconcierto, 27th of September
Two “Super Mercury” Exoplanets Found in a Single System
Universe Today, 30th of September
Odkryto układ planetarny z pięcioma planetami skalistymi
Urania, 30th of September
Portuguese DNA planet hunter reveals first images
Knowledia, 5th of July
Nový lovec planet, přístroj NIRPS, spatřil první světlo
Česká astronomická společnost, 7th of July
First Light of NIRPS
ESO, 7th of July
La NASA Publica Imágenes Nunca Antes Vistas Capturadas Por El Telescopio James Webb
Rally Mundial, 12th of July
Dieser Planet soll der Erde am ähnlichsten sein
OE24, 8th of June
Instalação de base com humanos em Marte adiada “décadas” devido à guerra na Ucrânia
rFI, 10th of May
Liderança científica da Europa na matéria e energia escuras ameaçada pela guerra na Ucrânia
rFI, 17th of May
Aardachtige exoplaneet die leven kan herbergen is dichtbij, beweren wetenschappers
BitDaily.nl, 18th of May
Artificial intelligence helps in the identification of astronomical objects
Phys.org, 27th of May
Artificial intelligence helps in the identification of astronomical objects
Space Daily, 31st of May
NASA simulator helps to shed light on mysteries of solar system
Phys.org, 1st of April
Un simulador de la NASA ayuda a arrojar luz sobre los secretos del sistema solar
Gente de la Safor, 1st of April
NASA simulator helps to shed light on mysteries of solar system
Eurasia Review, 4th of April
Un simulatore per svelare i misteri nelle atmosfere planetarie
Global Science, 4th of April
The most complex thing in the universe
iai news, 21st of April
Pesquisadores querem criar novos métodos para encontrar “Terra 2.0”
Canal Tech, 26th of April
U.Porto gana una subvención de 2,5 millones para investigar otras tierras del Universo
Notícias RTV, 26th of April
Rahasia Planet Venus, Mungkin Tersembunyi di Balik Panasnya Malam
National Geographic Indonesia, 1st of March
Ultra-Windy Venus Powered By A Searing Hot Surface, Study Says
Forbes, 2nd of March
Nightside winds offer clues to Venus’ greenhouse
EarthSky, 4th of March
Tiny exoplanet Proxima d is third spotted in nearest star system to us
New Scientist, 10th of February
Earth-like planet spotted orbiting Sun’s closest star
Nature, 10th of February
Scientists discover new planet orbiting nearest star to solar system
The Guardian, 10th of February
A New Planet Is Detected Around Star Closest to the Sun
Bloomberg, 10th of February
Descoberto novo planeta em torno da estrela mais próxima do Sol
Revista Planeta, 10th of February
Descubren un tercer planeta llamado «Próxima d»
Venezuela News, 10th of February
Possible Third Planet Spotted around Proxima Centauri, Our Sun’s Nearest Neighbor Star
Scientific American, 10th of February
Cientistas descobrem possível novo planeta “próximo” à Terra
CNN Brasil, 10th of February
Découverte d’une étonnante exoplanète d’un « poids plume »
Science&Vie, 11th of February
A New Planet Has Been Found Orbiting The Closest Star To Our Sun Say Scientists
Forbes, 14th of February
If We Ever Travel to Another Star, We’re Going Here
The Atlantic, 18th of February
Exploring the secret of Venus that may be hidden in the heat of the night
Phys.org, 22nd of February
The secret of Venus, hidden in heat of night, identified
Hindustan Times, 23rd of February
L’insolita forma di Wasp-103 b
Global Science, 11th of January
Βρέθηκε πλανήτης σε σχήμα μπάλας ράγκμπι – Τι λένε οι αστρονόμοι για την ανακάλυψη
Sputnik News Greece, 11th of January
Cheops de la ESA toma una imagen de un planeta con forma de pelota de rugby a 1.000 años luz de la Tierra
Notícias del Mundo, 11th of January
Gli astronomi hanno scoperto un esopianeta a forma di pallone da calcio
La Tribuna Sammarinese, 11th of January
Para Astronom Menemukan Planet Ekstrasurya yang Berbentuk Bola Sepak
Fajar Pendidikan, 12th of January
Weird ‘hot Jupiter’ exoplanet is shaped like a football
Space.com, 12th of January
Exoplanet shaped like a rugby ball was discovered
Tech News Insight, 12th of January
Iron Abundance and the Formation of Terrestrial Exoplanets
Astrobites, 20th of January
Pela primeira vez, um planeta oval é descoberto
History Channel Brasil, 28th of January
Relic Galaxies Found Untouched Across Cosmic Time
The Daily Galaxy, 12th of December
¿El Sol tuvo un gemelo? La sorprendente revelación que hizo un estudio reciente
Semana, 17th of December
Descubren estrella que sería la gemela del Sol
Notícias RCN, 17th of December
Planetary Composition: The Planet Does Not Fall Far From the Star
SciTechDaily, 22nd of October
太陽系外の岩石惑星と恒星の組成にみられる相関 「すばる望遠鏡」などの観測により初めて示される
Sorae, 22nd of October
Planeten und ihre Sterne sind einander ähnlich – und auch wieder nicht
DerStandard, 25th of October
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física promove seminário sobre MOONS
Notícias da UFSC, 14th of September
‘Peas in a pod’ planetary system offers nearby gems to scientists
Space.com, 5th of August
Découverte de la plus légère des exoplanètes connues
SWI, 5th of August
L’exoplanète la moins massive connue à ce jour graviterait avec une planète océan
Futura Sciences, 6th of August
Planeta ‘aquático’ a 35 anos-luz da Terra pode abrigar vida, diz estudo
UOL, 6th of August
Ahli Temukan Planet Berair Dekat Bumi, Disebut Layak Huni
CNN Indonesia, 9th of August
Nuovi pianeti intorno a L 98-59
Global Science, 9th of August
Nová pozorování přístroji ESO odhalila kamennou exoplanetu o hmotnosti poloviny Venuše
Česká astronomická společnost, 10th of August
Team with Portuguese astronomers discover planets that may have water
The Portugal News, 15th of August
El Asteroide Lleva El Nombre Del Astrofísico Portugués Nuno Peixinho
Rally Mundial,22nd of June
Nuno Peixinho, El Astrofísico “Perpetuado” En Un Asteroide Que Hace Ciencia “A Largo Plazo”
NotiUlti, 26th of June
Ruszyła rejestracja do warsztatów „MW-Gaia: Bringing the Milky Way to schools 2021”
Urania – Postepy astronomii, 6th of May
Going up is the new move on Venus
Space Daily, 13th of May
Spazio, presentata la missione spaziale Euclid: studierà l’universo oscuro per mapparne la geometria
MeteoWeb, 27th of April
José Correia Wins PRACE Best Poster Award at EuroHPC Summit Week 2021
HPC Wire, 26th of March
Descubrió Dos Nuevas Radiogalaxias Gigantes Con ″ Ojo ″ Portugués
Rally Mundial, 18th of January
Puzzling Six-Exoplanet System Discovered With Resonant Rhythmic Movement
SciTechDaily, 25th of January
Study with Portuguese astronomers reveals evidence of planet with liquid water…
Al Khaleej Today, 16th of October
Atmosfera ácida e temperaturas altíssimas de Vênus podem ser o futuro da Terra, dizem astrônomos
Globo 1, 19th of September
An Epic, Planet-Scale Wave Has Been Hiding in The Toxic Clouds of Venus For Decades
Science Alert, 6th of August
Venus: Riesige Störzone entdeckt
Scinexx, 6th of August
Decades-long deep giant cloud disruption discovered on Venus
Phys.org, 6th of August
‘Anomalia’ nas nuvens de Vênus é descoberta após 35 anos
Sputnik News, 6th of August
Venus: Un “tsunami venenoso” está cubriendo la superficie del planeta
RPP, 6th of August
A super speedy acid cloud has been hiding on Venus for decades
Space.com, 7th of August
A Giant Planetary-Scale Cloud Has Been Discovered Hiding on Venus for at Least 35 Years
Interesting Engineering, 7th of August
Gelombang Berskala Planet Tersembunyi di Awan Beracun Venus
INews.id, 8th of August
Sur Vénus, les astronomes découvrent un gigantesque “mur de nuages”
Science Post, 10th of August
A deep, giant cloud disruption found on Venus
EarthSky, 10th of August
New study questions decades of research on the evolution of spiral galaxies
Phys.Org, 27th of August
New study questions decades of research on the evolution of spiral galaxies
SpaceDaily, 27th of August
Portugal leads system development for a space telescope
Tek Deeps, 16th of July
Há planeta que orbita mais próxima do sistema solar
Jornal de Angola, 17th of June
Che tempo farà su Marte?
Media INAF, 3rd of April
Galactic bulge modeling sheds light on galaxy evolution
Phys.Org, 14th of April
Моделирование галактического балджа проливает свет на эволюцию галактик
AstroNews, 14th of April
Modellierung des galaktischen Bulge wirft Licht auf die Entwicklung von Galaxien
Tekk, 15th of April
Nigerian Astrophysicist Identifies Possible Case Of Rings Around An Exoplanet
Space in Africa, 10th of March
ESO-Teleskop beobachtet Exoplaneten, auf dem es Eisen regnet
idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, 11th of March
ESPRESSO deteta exoplaneta onde chove ferro
Pravda.ru, 16th of March
Waves in thin air with broad effects
Phys.org, 17th of March
Dalekohled ESO/VLT zaznamenal železný déšť v atmosféře exoplanety
Česká astronomická společnost, 18th of March
Nigerian Astronomer Finds Strong Hint of Exoplanet containing Rings like Saturn or Uranus
Weeby Feed, 19th of March
La danza delle onde aeree marziane
Global Science, 19th of March
First image transmitted by CHEOPS telescope “intentionally blurred”
XinHuaNet, 8th of February
Telescópio desenvolvido com ajuda portuguesa divulga 1ª FOTO
Sputnik News BR, 12th of February
Nu Indi testimone di un’antica collisione galattica
Cronaca Torino, 14th of January
Satellite estudiará planetas fuera del sistema solar a partir de la próxima semana
Notícias RTV, 9th of December
‘Nonsense’ To Think Humans Will Ever Move To Nearby ExoEarth, Says Leading Planet Hunter
Forbes, 13th of December
Hipotético sistema planetario es solo actividad de una estrella
Press Digital, 18th of December
‘Improbable Planet’ Somehow Survives Being Swallowed by Red Giant Star
Space.Com, 1st of November
Astronomers Have Found an Exoplanet Somewhere It Really Shouldn’t Have Survived
Science Alert, 1st of November
Mysterious exoplanet shouldn’t exist where it is
Futurity, 1st of November
Astronomers Discover Planet That Should Have Been Killed by Red Giant Star
Sputnik News, 16th of November
Exoplanet that ‘should not exist’ discovered by researchers
Fox News, 18th of November
Astrophysicists use artificial intelligence to determine exoplanets sizes
Phys.Org, 11th of October
Utilizzata l’intelligenza artificiale per determinare le dimensioni degli esopianeti
Everyeye.it, 11th of October
TESS reveals an improbable planet
Phys.Org, 29th of October
El cazador de mundos TESS revela un planeta improbable
Notimérica, 29th of October
Hallan un nuevo mundo que no debería existir
ABC, 30th of October
Orbitando ai confini di una gigante rossa
Media INAF, 30th of October
Astrónomos descubren un extraño planeta que no debería existir
El Comercio, 31st of October
Equipe liderada por português acha ‘planeta improvável’ ao redor de estrela gigante vermelha
Sputnik Brasil, 31st of October
Primeira imagem de buraco negro vale a cientistas prêmio de milhões
Notícias ao Minuto, 6th of September
The building blocks for astronomically literate citizens
Phys.org, 13th of May
Forecasting the hunt for the first supermassive black holes
Phys.org, 13th of May
Telescópios do “tamanho da terra inteira” conseguiram a imagem de um mistério do Universo
Luxemburger Wort – Contacto, 11th of April
Primeiras imagens de um buraco negro
RFI, 11th of April
O que é um buraco negro, e por que há luz na primeira foto de um deles?
G1 (Globo), 11th of April
HD 186302, sœur jumelle du Soleil
Le Monde, 6th of February
Hallan al gemelo del sol perdido hace mucho
El Diario de Victoria, 20th of November
Missing Solar Siblings
Could the Sun’s long-lost relatives help us find life elsewhere in the Universe?
ESO Blog, 23rd of November
Irmã ‘gêmea’ do Sol é descoberta a 184 anos-luz da Terra
BBC News Brazil, 23rd of November
A bundle of ultra-compact massive galaxies found
Cosmos Magazine, 27th of November
The quest for galactic relics from the primordial universe
Phys.org, 28th of November
Alla ricerca delle reliquie galattiche
INAF- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofísica, 29th of November
Descoberta permite entender melhor formação das galáxias
Brazilian Times, 5th of July
Descoberto exoplaneta do tamanho da Terra e com a composição de Mercúrio
Expresso das Ilhas (Cabo Verde), 26th of March
Newfound Alien Planet is a Metal-Heavy Cannonball
Space.com, 29th of March
Una investigación, con participación del IAC, descubre los halos de las galaxias más grandes del Universo
La Vanguardia, 1st of March
Detectado viento meridional en ambos hemisferios de Venus
La Vanguardia, 15th of March
Gentle breeze may help Venus’s atmosphere spin like crazy
New Scientist, 17th of March
Unique TNG/HARPSN observations of the Venus cloud top winds
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo – Instituto de Astrofísica de Canárias, 6th of February
Revealing the Origin and Nature of the Outskirts of Stellar Megalopolises
Space Daily, 17th of February
Spiral-like patterns of star formation discovered in old galaxies
Astronomy Now, 22nd of November
Stellar activity can mimic misaligned exoplanets
Phys.org, 20th of September
Sun spots may be tricking scientists
Astronomy, 27th of September
Maybe black holes (and wormholes) aren’t as monstrous as we thought
Geek Wire, 7th of June
Wormholes Might Burrow Through Black Hole Cores
Seeker, 7th of June
Black holes might not be dead-ends after all
Phys.org, 8th of June
Things falling into black hole might not be lost forever
Perfscience, 8th of June
If Black Holes Contain Wormholes, Objects Could Survive the Journey
The Science Explorer, 10th of June
The big pretenders: Half of Kepler’s giant exoplanet candidates are false positives
NASA Exoplanet Exploration, 2nd of December
Credevo fosse un Giove e invece era una stella
Media INAF, 3rd of December
Over half of the giant Kepler planets may not be planets after all
C|Net, 4th of December
La mayoría de planetas gigantes de la misión Kepler son falsos positivos
Europa News, 4th of December
Повечето от гигантските екзопланети въобще не са планети
Nauka Offnews, 4th of December
‘False positives:’ More than half of NASA’s Kepler exoplanets aren’t actually planets
RT.com, 5th of December
Pozor na falešné exoplanety! Velká část kandidátů od Keplera nejsou planety
Exoplanety.cz, 6th of December
A Kepler-óriásbolygók akár fele nem is bolygó valójában
Komló Média, 8th of December
Credevo fosse un Giove e invece era una stella
Astronomia.com, 8th of December
نصف الكواكب غير الشمسية التي اكتشفها كبلر قد لا تكون كواكب
Qatar Astronomical Center, 8th of December
La mitad de los candidatos a exoplanetas gigantes de Kepler son falsos positivos
Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía, 9th of December
The big pretenders: Half of Kepler’s giant exoplanet candidates are false positives
Space.com, 11th of December
Earth’s composition might be unusual for a planet with life
New Scientist, 15th of September
Maa koostis võib elukõlblike planeetide seas olla erandlik
ERR Novaator, 16th of September
Stellar atmosphere can be used to predict the composition of rocky exoplanets
Phys.org, 18th of September
La atmósfera estelar puede revelar la composición de planetas rocosos
Europa Press, 18th of September
Земля отличается от других планет нашей Галактики
Earth Chronicles, 18th of September
Mogutianqi.com, 25th of September