Link-press 202412 – Venus transit and exoatmospheres

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Em junho de 2012, a sonda Hinode (da JAXA e da NASA), dedicada ao estudo do Sol, observou o trânsito do planeta Vénus diante do disco solar.
In June 2012, Hinode probe (of JAXA and NASA), dedicated to the study of the Sun, observed the planet Venus transiting in front of our star.
Credits: JAXA/NASA/Lockheed Martin
Trânsito de Vénus diante do Sol em junho de 2012 observado no ultravioleta
Venus solar transit in June 2012 observed in ultraviolet with the SWAP instrument on board of ESA’s PROBA-2 microsatellite.
Credits: ESA/ROB
Trânsito de Vénus diante do Sol em junho de 2012 observado pelo Dunn Solar Telescope, do National Solar Observatory
Venus solar transit in June 2012 observed with Dunn Solar Telescope, of the National Solar Observatory (National Science Foundation, EUA), the source of the data analysed for this study now published on Atmosphere.
Credits: National Solar Observatory
O exoplaneta Gliese 12 b pode ter o tamanho da Terra ou ligeiramente menor, o que seria equivalente a Vénus.
Gliese 12 b exoplanet, which discovery was announced on May 2024, is 40 light-years away and might have the size of Earth ot slightly smaller, in which case would be equivalent to Venus. In this artistic concept on the right are presented possible interpretations of the planet, without and with atmosphere, which could be thick and dense as Venus’.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (Caltech-IPAC)
Atmosfera de exoplaneta
Artist concept of a star seen through the atmosphere of a planet orbiting it.
Credits: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center