SKIES: SKilled, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Scientists

Would you like to pursue an astronomy-related career beyond academic research? Or apply your science and skills to specific world problems? Or maybe just share it effectively with everyone? Then the SKIES training is for you!

SKIES: SKilled, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Scientists, is an European project that aims at providing training to PhD students and early post-docs in the fields of open science, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The training in Portugal involves four online sessions and two days of in-person training in Coimbra, between the 19th of April and the 5th of May.

Check out the programme:

Online session 1: Kick-off and self-assessment

19th of April | 16:00 – 18:00

Being an entrepreneur goes way beyond creating your own business and entrepreneurial skills are useful in any career you choose to follow. Creativity, ability to deal with risk and uncertainty and perseverance are all considered entrepreneurial skills. Join us in a self-evaluation exercise and discover where do you stand and which skills should you work on! In the end, meet former astrophysicists that followed other career paths and learn from their experience.

Online session 2: Research and industry

21st of April | 16:00 – 18:00

Which sectors of the job market are associated with astronomy and/or benefit from the skills of an astrophysics researcher? Which opportunities exist in Portugal and elsewhere? And how can astronomy contribute to the jobs of the future? In this session, we will explore the job market sectors and the skills required to succeed in them. Portugal Space, the Portuguese space agency, is an invited speaker for this session.

In-person sessions 3: Open science and creating your business

Coimbra | 28th-29th April | 10:00 – 18:00

The in-person training in Coimbra will be a great opportunity to meet fellow colleagues and share ideas. These two days will be dedicated to open science: why and how can you share your science in a useful way while protecting it; and about creating your own business. The training will include a visit to Instituto Pedro Nunes, home of the ESA Business Incubation Program in Portugal, talks by companies based in Coimbra, and a presentation by the UC Business. The social programme includes a dinner and visit to Coimbra’s Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory.

Accommodation and meals for the in-person training in Coimbra are provided by the project.

Online session 4: Public engagement in science

3rd of May | 9:00 – 11:00

Whether you enjoy sharing your science with the public or need to write a scientific proposal with a mandatory outreach section, science communication skills are vital. In this session, we will plan a public engagement activity and discuss several aspects of this often overlooked field. In the end, you will be able to unleash your creativity and think rationally “outside the box” to prepare more effective outreach activities! This session will count with the experience of the director of the IAU’s Office for Astronomy Outreach, directly from Japan.

Online session 5: Astronomy careers and mentoring

5th of May | 16:00 – 18:00

“Astronomy: one subject, many careers” is the motto for this session, which will involve former astrophysics researchers that have pursued different fulfilling careers and elements from the astronomy-related business world. Learn from their experience and benefit from a short mentoring program that will be introduced in this session.

Participation in all the sessions is highly recommended as it will be a great opportunity to meet and network with fellow colleagues and former astrophysics researchers.

Any questions, contact us at

Interested? Register here until the 10th 13th of March.